“I’d like to have a hamster in near future, but I’m not sure whether to get a male or a female.”
“I want to reconfirm the gender of my hamster.”
To solve such like questions, This page introduces how to distinguish the gender of hamsters, differences in personality, and recommended genders for keeping them as pets.
How to distinguish the gender
Physical differences
You can distinguish between male and female hamsters by observing around the belly area.
Males are characterized by the following two points
- There’re testicles.
- The distance between the anus and the genitalia is far apart.
Females are characterized by the following two points
- There’re nipples.
- The distance between the anus and the genitalia is far apart.

The following photo clearly shows the nipples of the female hamster.

Golden hamsters are relatively easy to determine the sex, because their testicles and nipples are prominent.
On the other hand, it is often difficult to determine the presence or absence of testicles and nipples in dwarf hamsters such as the Campbell’s dwarf hamster, especially in those shortly after birth, differences other than the distance between the reproductive organs and the anus are hard to discern.
Even for pet shop clerks, determining the sex of dwarf hamster pups can be challenging to the extent of making mistakes.
Trait differences
When you stroked on the back or touched around the waist, female hamsters may arch their bodies, lift their bottoms, and stiffen their tails, a behavior known as “lordosis.”
This state is specific to females in heat, so if observed, your hamster is female.

Differences in personality between males and females
Although there are individual differences, males and females tend to have the following personality traits.
Calm Easy to get attached to Low stress tolerance Territorial Curious | have a rough temperament Difficult to get attached to High stress tolerance Voracious appetite |